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Black and White Movie Review

Schindlers List

            Shindler's list is the best Holocaust movie of all time and up there for greatest movies of all time. Filmed in black and white color is only used at points in the movie where it means something. Such as during the Friday Sabbath and the girl in the red coat, they want you to specifically notice these scenes and the power behind them. The Holocaust was a horrid time in history and this film being shot in black and white helps to show this. One specific shot in this movie that stood out was when Shindler's accountant is walking back from Amon's house and the camera is focused on him as he walks by a body that was shot. Not many movies would work in black and white, obviously, you wouldn't want to watch a funny movie in black and white. But a sad movie uses black and white to its advantage and creates a type of mood that works really well. It's hard to say I enjoyed this movie as it was all about death, but it was very interesting to watch. Noone really can really show truly what happened during the Holocaust but this movie did an amazing job all around. The characters and the ways they were depicted helped make this movie one of the best movies I have ever seen. I would recommend this movie to anyone not only because of the amazing way it's shot and how color is used, but because it's a movie that teaches you a lot about something you never really learn the details of in school.

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