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News Story

             For our news story we decided to do a news story on skate culture and the new skate park in Manchester. We started off our first day of filming by going to the skatepark and getting b-roll of the park and some clips of Ian. We then got an interview of the owner of  Arson which went very well. The backround of the interview was sick, lighting was very good, and the sound was good. We got a new wireless mic that we have been toying around with for a few days. We have figured out how to work it we just end up messing something up when we use it just need practice. The wireless mic is very helpful for when Ian is skating around and we want to hear him talking without someone chasing him with a mic. 

One Minute News

This news story started with a new presenter introducing the topics then moves to b-roll of the first story which is overlapped by a man telling the details of the current story. For the first story a man dressed well who is waiting in the lobby of a courthouse before testifying. The second story is a south Korean official pulling up to a courthouse to face charges of corruption. This news story was quick, got to the point, and was very well put together. 

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